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Enchilada Spice Mix

Introducing Zoitsa Homely Produce’s…Enchilada Spice Mix.

There’s something about Mexican food that my family and I both love! Mexican food has definitely captured my heart and stomach! I believe that Mexico really has one of the worlds finest gastronomies.  It’s safe to say that Mexican cuisine is extremely popular.  One of my dreams is to travel to Mexico one day and eat at every possible street market I can find.  

Mexican cuisine is a distinct “fusion” of Spanish and Indigenous Mexican cuisines. UNESCO has designated traditional Mexican cuisine (and if I may quote) – as an intangible cultural heritage gift to humanity”. Damn right it’s a gift to humanity!

I love how colourful Mexican food is and the unique flavour is one that my palate just loves.  I love the fact that a lot of their dishes are vegetarian friendly and packed with things like refried beans, black beans, chillies and so forth.  The combination of spices and flavours are extremely appealing to me. I love how their cuisine is packed with various fresh ingredients think avocadoes, beans, chillies, tomatoes just to name a few. I love fresh food in my food and in my cooking. It just adds so much flavour and the texture and crunch of fresh foods is something that research claims our brains are wired to love. 

One thing I am eager to try is Nopalitos (cactus), hopefully one day I will get the opportunity to try this. Along with sweeter delicacies like churros (stuffed churros with dulce de leche), sweet tamales and sweet cornbread. Then chuck in a Spicy Margarita! Dear God I’m salivating just writing that.

I think that when people think about Mexican food, they envision hot, fiery, spicy flavours that burn the crap out of their mouths.  Kind of true in a sense. I think if you’re into spicy food then the Mexican cuisine is one that would be highly enjoyed by lovers of spicy food. Having said that though Mexican food can be extremely kid-friendly and spice -friendly for those with a lower heat/spice tolerance.  

Mexican food is extremely diverse and have many alternatives available. You want more heat then add more seasoning, want less heat add less seasonings. There are a plethora of ways to enjoy Mexican food. 

Last night was enchilada night in our home and I have been playing around with our blend for a few weeks as I wanted it to be as kid friendly as I could.  I have a son and my father who cannot handle heat very well.  I spent as few hours in the kitchen using my original enchilada recipe along with some other enchilada recipes I had found online.  The end result was that our meal was SPECTACULAR!  Honestly, our Enchilada Spice Mix was the real winner in last night’s meal. It was soft and earthy with just a mild hint of heat due to the cayenne pepper. 

Enchilada seasonings tend to add brown sugar to their mixes, I decided for our version to omit it as I wanted the taste to be as “earthy” and as natural as possible.

Our Enchilada Spice Mix really gives enchiladas an extremely memorable taste and I know that you will love it!

¡Buen apetito!/Bon Appetit

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