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Zoitsa Homely Produce’s Greek Seasoning has arrived with lots of pomp and ceremony and a lot of tears and sadness. Not to be mistaken for our hugely popular Gyros Seasoning, this is an entirely different enhancer for your taste buds and cooking.

Before I begin, I really want everyone to know that this Greek Seasoning is my mum’s late recipe. I haven’t changed it or adapted it any way shape or form. I dedicate our Greek Seasoning to my late mum Zoitsa. My beautiful mother who taught me everything. Who taught me that being kind to everyone around me (even to strangers) makes the world a better place. The importance of generosity, of giving from the depth of your heart without any expectations. To make greater connections with each and every person that comes into your life, and lastly how to cook. My passion for cooking and creating came from my mum.

Sitting here writing this has sent me to a real dark place of sadness and grief and I guess melancholy. The death of a parent and more so the death of a loving mother is indescribable and so very hard to articulate. The day she died was the day I felt my heart break and I can unashamedly say it has never healed and I don’t think it will ever heal. I would do anything to hear her voice just one more time. If I could tell everyone ONE thing it would be to hug your loved ones tonight and squeeze them tight and tell them how much they mean to you.

Ok….enough doom and gloom! We have a Greek Seasoning blog to read!

Where were we? So as some of you may or may not know I am of Greek heritage. I was born to Greek immigrants in Australia. Being that I am of a Greek background I think it would be safe to say that there are some serious expectations with our Greek Seasoning, but never fear this is as Greek and original as can be.

This seasoning was one that I grew up with, it never changed, it never altered, our Greek food always tasted like this. There are hundreds upon hundreds of versions of Greek Seasoning out there. Like hundreds. What makes Zoitsa Homely Produce’s Greek Seasoning any better than the store bought ones? Well, there are many reasons. One and the most important one is that this seasoning was one made and used by a Greek woman (my mum), which I would assume was passed down to her by her mum. Two, this is honestly JUST herbs and spices combined together to make this delish blend. Three, all the ingredients used are Australian made, where possible, except for the Oregano. I will only ever use Greek oregano as it has more “savouriness” to it and is a lot more earthy.

Research led me to finding out that the major herbs and spices that have been used in Greek cuisine from ancient times to today are oregano, thyme, sage, parsley, dill, basil, mint, spearmint, fennel, pepper, saffron, cloves, nutmeg, coriander, cumin, mahlepi, cinnamon, mastixa, sumac and cardamon.

Our Greek Seasoning consist of oregano, garlic powder, sweet paprika, onion powder, parsley, black pepper, salt, thyme, cinnamon, and nutmeg. The herbs and spices used mesh so well together and that POP of flavour and deliciousness!

Dedicated to my late mum Zoi, affectionately called Zoitsa. Who was always busy as a bee (that’s why we have a bee logo). To the woman who was loved by all who met her. The woman who always held her head up high and was always the voice of reason. The woman who taught my brother and I that in the end everything is going to be alright!

My love for her will never die!

From my mum’s kitchen to yours!

Kali Orexi/Bon Appetit

RIP Zoitsa (1939-2015)

PS: A short note from The Hubster. Zoi would be so proud of her daughter sharing this, and her other creations with you. I miss her, too.

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