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Quatre Epices

Today is Bastille Day and a great introduction for Zoitsa Homely Produce’s – Quatre Epices.

Briefly…Bastille Day is celebrated on the 14th July every year and has been done so since 1880. It’s a national holiday in France marking the fall of the Bastille in Paris. Bastille was originally built as a medieval fortress, and it was stormed by soldiers on the 14th July 1789. Essentially the Bastille has come to symbolize the rule of the Bourbon Monarchy.

I love France. I visited France some many moons ago and fell in love with everything. The food, the way of life, the shopping, the fashion, the architecture, the richness of their country, the beautiful countryside, the cheeses, the baguettes, the coffees. I met my best friend on top of the Eifel tower (shout out to my bestie Annette – I love you and I miss you).

Every single person I met in Paris, contradictory to what you may have heard and read about Parisians, they were all so wonderful, kind and helpful!

I ate so much…it was so good! I can’t wait to take my son there when he is a tad older to experience what I did.

I digress…I love French food, just not their wines as I find them too watery. The French cuisine is simple flavours, simple ingredients that come together and shine. I find French food to be a bit on the “heavy” side and perfect for wintertime dinners. My favourite meal, hands down is Coq Au Vin. It’s so hearty and a family favourite in my home. As well as French Bœuf aux Quatre Epices (my recipe will added to your order). MMM YUM!

Quatre Epices is a spice mix that is mainly used in French cuisine but is also used in some Middle Eastern and Asian kitchens. Former French colonies like Algeria, Morrocco and Lebanon use this spice mix in their everyday cooking as well.

Interesting to note the actual origins of Quatre Epices cannot be exactly confirmed but the research that has been done it is said to have been “noted” in the port city of Saint-Malo, in Brittany back in the 17th Century. My research led me to find out that food at that town, at that period of time was heavily influenced by Middle Eastern and Asian cuisines.

Quatre Epices is also commonly referred to as French Four Spice, and French allspice. It’s a spice mix that can be used to season anything and everything from soups, stews, casseroles. It is also commonly used in terrines, pates and sausages. It’s an extremely versatile spice mix and its peppery with subtle sweet hints due to the nutmeg, ginger and cloves.

Zoitsa Homely Produce’s version consists of white pepper, black pepper, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves. We toast our white and black peppercorns ( we do this for optimal freshness and tastiness) By dry roasting the peppercorns the heat releases the most amazing aromas and flavours. Quatre Epices is also used in Biscuit aux Quatre Epices, and these biscuits are commonly found in French Patisseries in France.

From our kitchen to yours!


Bon Appetit

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