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Sweet and Spicy BBQ Dry Rub

Presenting Zoitsa Homely Produce’s- Sweet & Spicy BBQ Rub.

I was recently menu planning for my dad’s up and coming 87th birthday dinner and decided that I would make a BBQ Pork tenderloin recipe for his birthday as he LOVES pork tenderloin. It is his FAVOURITE cut of meat.

I went off to the kitchen and started to play around as I wanted to come up with something that was sweet yet a little bit spicy and tangy and barbequey. I wanted that barbeque flavour without using our actual barbeque.

I literally pulled out my entire herbs and spices cabinet (yes true story – I own a herbs and spices cabinet that is filled to the brims with everything imaginable). I started by adding the brown sugar as my base and then kept adding a bit of this and a bit of that and taste testing everything along the way until I was completely satisfied and bowled over with the flavour. It’s extremely hard to replicate what you have imagined in your head and on your taste buds.

Without tooting my own horn our Sweet & Spicy BBQ Rub is so good. You get hit with a blast of flavours and your taste buds will go into overdrive. On tasting your brain starts going through all the flavours.

Our Sweet & Spicy Rub has absolutely barely any heat in it at all. I’ve allowed the smoked paprika, black pepper and a touch of chilli to do their magic and give it just a little spicy hit. It’s not overpowering, and it doesn’t dominate the rub.

I became very obsessed with our Sweet & Spicy Rub and for the next few weeks I used it a lot in my everyday homelife cooking. I do this with all our blends, mixes and seasonings as I need to know what they will work on, but this time I was really looking forward to using it for every dinner meal as I wanted to taste it more and more and again and again.

It tastes differently on every type of protein I used. From chicken to ribs, then I slow cooked a big chunk of beef brisket and it was marvellous! Note to all – I am not a big red meat fan. I stick more to chicken, pork and fish if I have to (borderline vegetarian slash vegan in the making). So guess who was wolfing down the beef brisket? Yep…yours truly!

It is delightful on vegetables and wait for it….I added a touch to some baked beans as I was in a BBQ mood. HOLY COW! It was to die for!! There is so much flavour in our Sweet & Spicy BBQ Rub!

I recommend sprinkling as much as you like onto your protein of choice and using clean hands massage it in all over and cook away!

It WILL turn a bland cut of meat into something extraordinary! And whats even better? NO additives, NO chemicals. NO preservatives, NO anti-caking agents. Nothin’ but herbs and spices my friends!

From Zoitsa Homely Produce to you!

Bon Appetit!

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