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You Can Now Find Us At Bloomin’ Fresh

It’s with great joy that I announce that Zoitsa Homely Produce is collaborating with a gorgeous little store called Bloomin’ Fresh (do follow them on Instagram and Facebook if you can).

Bloomin’ Fresh is a store located in Beaufort in Victoria (in between Ararat and Ballarat) that sells local, organic, ethical, and eco-friendly products and produce.   My kinda peeps!

I’ve been working like crazy in the kitchen making Bloomin’ Fresh our top 9 best sellers and I cannot wait to have our products on Bloomin’ Fresh shelves. I’ve also made and supplied Bloomin’ Fresh with our Quesadilla Spice Mix which has been a MASSIVE HIT amongst my taste testers – aka The Mumma Tribe.  Our Quesadilla Spice Mix is not yet available online. But keep your eyes and ears posted as I will be introducing that to you all very shortly.

It’s a great honour to have our products out to the masses and on store shelves.  

If you’re in the area and want to visit this really amazing store they are located at:  16 Lawrence Street, Beaufort.

A massive shout out to one of my very, very regular customers Natasha D for introducing me to Steph at Bloomin’ Fresh.  Natasha you are genuinely a superstar!

Along with cooking up a storm and producing our goods for Bloomin Fresh, I have been coming up with some new and exciting blends and seasonings.  I can’t wait to show them to you all of you.

I have a friend state that making seasonings seems like such easy work.  I didn’t know whether to laugh out loud or to burst into tears out of exasperation! Or whether I was being insulted.

A lot of time and work goes into each and every blend and seasoning that I create.  I’m talking days and days, if not weeks and any spare minute I have I am standing in my kitchen mixing and blending and then cooking with the blend/masala/seasoning.  I don’t do things half-arsed.  I want my products to be perfect.

I carry a note pad and pen with me at all times (as well as having a pad and pen on my bedside table) as ideas and flavours and combinations pop into my head at the craziest of times.  I live this! I breathe this! 

Along with collaborating with Bloomin’ Fresh this last fortnight has seen me making huge batches of our products to supply for some local charities.   Supporting local charities is something that I am very passionate about.  I love nothing more than helping out our community as much as I possibly can.  

I constantly stink! I stink of herbs and spices, but I love doing this.  I know I have found my true calling.  This is what I was always meant to do. 

To Zoitsa Homely Produces’ customers I thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for all your support and buying our products.  If you could please leave a review on our website, it will truly help my little business. 

With that…. I’m off to the kitchen to make some magic happen!  

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Hello! Welcome To Zoitsa Homely Produce

We’re here to serve you with some of the most delicious and special flavours!


PO BOX 1060
Darling VIC 3145


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